Avatar for Caz_A


Member since Dec 2012 • Last active Dec 2012
  • 0 conversations

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  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for Caz_A

    Hi Oliver - thanks so much, that's awesome :)

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for Caz_A

    Hello there. I'm Caz - I just signed up and thought I'd say hullo. I am based in Brighton and I was wondering whether anyone knows of any good communities for girl BMXers in Brighton or London?

    I want to start riding but a bit scared to go out on my own. I've always wanted to BMX, but I never did because I'm a drummer and I was always aftraid of breaking something and not being able to play... but I'm having a break from drumming so I'd like to finally get BMXing!

    Any advice and what not would be greatly appreciated :)
