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I wonder if I could ask for the experience of members of this forum?
I have ridden fixed wheel bikes for about ten years. They have been nothing special, and my latest one was just a 1980s Peugeot road bike converted to single fixed speed. It is lively and pleasant and I use it most days. I thought, however, that before I get too old to ride a fixed bike I would splash out on a post second hand Bianchi Pista, and this week I went and had a look at a 2011 model. The owner let me adjust the seating, and I had a good go at it, but was a bit surprised. It was much lighter than my Peugeot and it rode well, but I was on the whole a bit underwhelmed by the experience. I could see rather less of the front tyre than I was used to, but I was certainly not blown away by the agility and performance of the bike. I expected something amazing and in quite another league from my old Peugeot but didn't really feel that this Bianch was £450 better.
Am I missing something, and should I persist in my pursuit of the Holy Grail of the perfect fixie. Or should I abandon my illusions of ultimate fixed wheel experience and go back to my Peugeot??? I would like to hear from anyone who can advise me from their own experience in the pursuit of perfection. -
Dear dulwichrider - that is such an interesting point!