Avatar for dcottam


Member since Nov 2012 • Last active Apr 2013
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  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for dcottam

    That is true.. Fuck it, I'll come to one next year when I'm living a bit closer.

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for dcottam

    I'm a relative noob here, but I'm up forcoming down for this. But I need somewhere to stay. Does anyone fancy putting me up for the night. I'll pay 15 quid or summat for a sofa. Bit of a desperate plea truth be told, but I love Guinness, perfect match. Don't worry, I'm not that much of a paedophile

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for dcottam

    Cool picture. Haters gonna hate and all that. Team sprint world record holder can ride whatever she likes.

    Enter her in a alleycat for lulz, (after the olympics though obviously).

    I second this... She'd be hella fast. Get her team GB track bike on the road.
    might ruin those io's though

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for dcottam

    I'm game

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for dcottam

    if I can find somewhere to stay I'll be up for it.. From Lancashire y'see

  • in Liverpool
    Avatar for dcottam

    I'd be up for a ride in December, or possibly next Saturday. And, need some dropshow much pal?

  • in Current Projects
    Avatar for dcottam

    top draw stuff here lad, bar the paint, the bike wasn't that great when you got it. Sone people are a bit too quick to judge.
    I think you should have gone fixed though. Can't wait to see it mn.
