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Member since Nov 2012 • Last active Dec 2012
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    Avatar for Ben_C

    Love this thread. Confess, haven't made it through all the posts but hoping some of you guys who have built these really sweet looking conversions can help me out on mine.

    I have a 1981 (what I believe to be a) PH-10. BBs and drivetrains are my greatest knowledge deficiency. Since the cranks are in fine shape and the BB upgrade sounds challenging, I'm considering keeping the existing cranks and simply replacing the dual chainrings with a new single ring, ideally of the 46-47t variety.

    Are there any threads or youtubes, etc. about how this is done? Any recommendations about what kind of chainrings to look at for these purposes?

    Many thanks.

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    Avatar for Ben_C


    What year was your bike from and what kind of BB / crankset did you install? thanks-
