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Member since Nov 2012 • Last active Dec 2024
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    ^^ You're not alone. I crashed out doing exactly this, luckily it was Battersea Park. buggered my helmet though (No Euph)

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    If it helps, I'm 6'4" and have a 35" inside leg. My Pompino fits fine with a 110 stem and about 240ish showing on the no-name seat post. been like that most of the winter and all's still good - no cracks. I would think (assuming you're not a Baboon) you would be fine up to 6'6" and 36".

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    49 and 46/16, but I'm currently being unadverturous on singlespeed.
    On the other hand, since ditching the gears I actually find my knees stronger, especially when running.

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    I found the cutting fairly straight forward with a junior hacksaw.

    It's all the micro adjustment after that caused me to lose the will to live.
    (700x28 tyres are at the stated max for the guards though)

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    I've finally finished my Pompino! it was rideable within a week of starting the build but, after a two hour wrestle with the mudguards last night, its done.

    On that point, I will never fit another mudguard again. What sociopathic bastard designed those then?

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    Just a quick hello, as I've just joined. I've an unbuilt Pompino taking up room in the living room and I've given myself a two week window to turn it into the new mega commuter.Expect some rather dim questions.
