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Member since Oct 2012 • Last active Nov 2012
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  • in Rider Down
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    Hi guys and thank you Mark for the udate. The original text in English (since google translate doesnt make sense)

    'After a week of many long surgeries and fighting for his life, Sofoklis left us yesterday evening. A complication worsened his condition the last 24 hours and the fight was lost.

    On Monday, his sisters and cousin wanted to upload the following post. This was the day we were all waiting for, including the doctors; for his condition to be stable and improved.

    “We would like to thank you all. The doctors and nurses in the O.R. and the Intensive Care Unit that are giving their best effort. Everybody that has come by or is staying with us during the visiting hours and everybody who’s expressing their interest and care in any way possible. Your companion, your positive thinking, your faith, your wishes and prayers and your support give strength to Sofoklis and us.”

    During the next few days he will be transfered to Greece and we will then announce more details about his funeral.

    The grief we’re feeling cannot be described, written or transfered. We still can’t believe what happened. We still can’t think of our lives without Sofoklis in it. During these days we, his family and friends, were all optimistic that he would wake up so we could tell him what happened and show him the many messages of love and support written by his friends and relatives. I hope he left knowing by how many people and how much he was loved. I hope he left this life in serenity and peace.

    You can’t write a eulogy for your best friend. I just can’t.

    See you when I see you my beloved friend.'

    Thank you all for your wishes and support this very difficult week. Ride safely.

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for mpanana

    Hi guys and thank you again for your concern and wishes. The rider's condition is still considered very critical. He is facing major damages in various parts of his body (liver, kidneys, pelvic area, legs etc). The doctors are doing their best to keep him alive and we are all hoping for the best.

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for mpanana

    Dear All, I am one the rider's friends. A small update on his condition: He was supposed to undergo a third surgery this morning so as to stabilize his pelvis, however a complication in the femoral artery (earlier this morning) has paused the programmed surgery. We will have more news regarding the complication in about an hour from now. As Danny has already said the greatest damage appears in his pelvic area, left leg, bladder and bile and his condition remains critical. Anyone who could help us finding more on the conditions in which the accident occured, please contact me here or via email at mariannaroumel@gmail.com. We are also creating a blog so as to gather information but I ll tell you more later.Thank you all for the support you have shown. I will keep you updated on his condition.
