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Member since Sep 2012 • Last active Sep 2012
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  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Oh, Sweaty betty. They look nice. Wonder how they look on someone with thighs... :/

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    I think my saddles are a bit more nose-down than average, yes I do have to shuffle backwards every so often but I don't get sore bits...
    +1! It's the same for me!

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Oh Yay! Yes, please come!!!

    Maybe I can fix so that the Un Giro Di Sporco Sud will be held around the same time as the Eurovision! Please come and join me in the UGDSS! This year I was the only girl. Which meant that I won the award for "Best Female", but considering it was on WO it didn't feel as such an accomplishment. (But I won a Chrome bag! Yay!!! Use it every day! Love it!)

    Possibly the UGDSS isn't as famous as I would wish, so I post a link to the movie from 2010.
    Couldn't find the movie from the race in 2012, but it was an even better race! Beautiful weather, wonderful pistas, lovely company and loads of sweet fixies!

    Cooooome! Joooooin meeee!

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Would you say it's a hard or soft saddle?

    I'd say it's soft. Not too soft though, more like a firm soft saddle (eh?!)

    But now that I read about the Brooks I start wondering if that could be a better candidate...

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    You're more than welcome here n00b!
    Whereabouts in Sweden are you?

    Thank you!
    I live in Malmö (in the south of Sweden) :)

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    I bought these for a race last weekend:

    And although I kinda liked them, I must say that the aren't as padded as the guys version!! And also - who the f designs the padding? It doesn't look as if there's any though behind it what so ever. And I had to use a hair band to get the straps to stay between my boobs (Why would anyone want to ride with them over the boobs?!?)

    That said, I still have to admit that I like them. Thay are 3/4 (love that), they stay up, they are OK padded, and they are flattering. Yes. My ass look better with them on, that in the nude. (That may say more about my ass then about the pants though, but still...)

  • in Frame Builders
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    what a shame (s)he's put it against a similarly coloured background
    don't these fixie skidders know about colour wheels ?

    Oooooh. That's what I liked the most about the picture - the color(s)! It's a classic photographic twist, to use only one color but in different nuances (note the bordeaux-ish concrete in the front). Loved it!

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Just wanted to say Hi

    I'm new here, and I actually live in Sweden. We have a FG-site in Sweden as well but I'm almost the only girl there, so I wanna hang with U if that's OK?

    I built my first fixed a little more than a year ago (a conversion of a Crescent). Since I bought a way to big frame, I built a new one on a smaller Bianchi.

    I'm on a limited budget, but I want to build a new one, with an even smaller frame, and a friend has a small Merckx waiting for me. Something to do when winter comes :)

    I don't know what more to write. :/

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    I tried to add a pic of the ass saver but it didnt work... hm

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    I've been using a Sportourer X race for about a year and I love it!

    The guys I ride with gave me a bit of a hard time in the beginning because of the design, but that stopped after a few rounds and now some have even asked to try it.

    Last Saturday I was in a 100 km race and the day after I was a bit tender, but not at all too much to be able to bike again.Of course I used padded lycra for the race, but still - it's really comfy (and quite cheap).

    The only thing with the design is that the hole is, ehm... not-so-nice if riding when it's raining. It tends to get muddy in places that I'd prefer to stay dry. However, since I'm also using an AssSaver the hole is covered enough by it! Highly recomended!

    --> AssSaver

    Oh. They have changed the design a bit... hm.. Should still work though.
