Avatar for 5awyr


Member since Aug 2012 • Last active Aug 2022
  • 7 conversations

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    mine went haywire a few years back and was less reliable than my wrist one. Haven't missed it to be honest, I rarely bother to look at HR.

    Used to get the occasional chafing from it too. I never raced in one either, too constrictive.

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    Going back a few pages for the 86 last year I think I did 14 gels and five batches of SIS Go powder over thirteen hours. Wouldn't want to do any more.

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    Blimey I'm sure they were £20 last year. They do know what they're doing and put on a good event but £26 for a 10K is pushing it.

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    A win is a win is a win

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    My max HR is as correct as possible yet it still occasionally tells me I can run a two and a half hour marathon which is not correct.

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    Meh, 17:40 or thereabouts. I ran 45 seconds faster basically a year ago.

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    Not happened yet, I'm on NZ time

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    Running a flat 5km tonight, first race post 100km. I have absolutely no clue where my fitness is so it could be a good surprise or I could blow up after a mile. Who knows.

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    Tarawera Ultramarathon in 13 and a half hours time. Terrified.

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    I didn't get lapped thankfully so had very little thinking to do. 17:08, I ran faster than that on the road last year, time to get back to speedwork I think.
