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- Tumthelove
- Jono
- Salman
- io78
- Jessie
- Fran
^^^ Naomi didn't like the set up of easts loaner bike...
However I don't mind it, and I'm not going to be getting a polo bike any time soon, so am quite happy to look after if no-one else is.....
haha yeah thats true with the bike, but i have to take whats there for my tomorrow session, whatever..
- Tumthelove
The regular session should happen thereafter at Hackney Downs thereafter, check the North East thread.
Weather's looking fine for tomorrow, so beginners is all go! See you guys at the courts at 9.30!
will Paul be there? i need a loaner bike and mallet..i defenitively have to build a bike anytime soon..i dont want to be dependant all the time..
hey, is there a session tomorrow?