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Hi all,
I'm new to fixed geared bikes and it started about a week ago when my uncle gave me a Koga Miyata Exerciser that he didn't use for the last 10 years.
After searching what I could do with this bike, I found this forum that gave me a lot (and some really expensive) ideas.
Since I'm not really sure if fixed gears is really something for me I want to keep it as cheap as possible.The bike when I got it (except for the tires, I had those laying around):
Progress untill now:
The paint on the frame is really bad, so it will be resprayed.
I think plain white would be best, any other ideas???Rims are the cheapest I found on eBay, No logo with Kenda tires.
Chain ring is the standard Shimano 52T
Cog is 18T.3 things to do (at least):
- Saddle
- Pedals (current pedals are from my Cannondale Bad Boy)
- Refurbish the frame
What do you think?
- Saddle
Well did my first ride on it.
Hope that I will get more used to it, because it was absolute horror getting up 2 bridges.
Going down was kind of fun trying to keep up with the pedals.
I put the bike on the scale and it's 10,7kg which is normal for an old road bicycle I think.