Avatar for Flatade


Member since Aug 2012 • Last active Aug 2012
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  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Flatade

    I spoke to some if you the other day in the pub about my mate wanting someplace indoors and flat to hold a flatland BMX jam, and as we have a massive polo court, it might be a good thing to do to raise a little bit of wonga, and have a good time too. General consensus was that it would be cool to do, so long as it isnt too slippy for them, and on sunday i went down to the court with him to test it and its apparently fine for it.
    So just wanted to run this by everyone before anything gets arranged, also who uses the court on saturdays at the moment? is it the rollergirls or the skaters? Obviously that would be the best day for this, so if i can sort something out with them that would be good. We were roughly talkin October 13th or somethin.
    Any thoughts anyone? I dont mind being 'responsible' for the warehouse, and also i told him to sign up here and introduce himself...

    Hi Cambridge Polo.
    As Glyn has put in his post, we would be really greatful if you guys would let us hold a Jam/Comp at your warehouse. We always struggle to find space to ride indoors outdoors. In the Bmx world we are forgotten about. So no Skatepark has any dedicated space for us and if we try to hire a sports hall all we get is "Your going to mark our floor" Im sure that sounds familiar.
    Glyn has explained you guys are trying to raise some money so I proposed that we charge a entrance fee and all proceeds from that go to the club.
    If you guys agree the date that Glyn has suggested would be great but any problems with that date the week before 6th oct would be good too? It just gives me enough time get the word out and get some flyers sorted.

    Cheers for your time Ade
