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Member since Aug 2012 • Last active Jun 2021
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    Avatar for Gristley

    Vic Lyons was the owner of Vic Lyons cycles, a old fashioned bike shop in at 194 Wandsworth Road (just beyond the Polytechnic of the South Bank - now called) and a bit like Strattons used to be mid 1980's. The shop style was like an old ironmongers with unfinished wooden floors, a counter behind which were drawers and boxes of bits and pieces of bike stuff.

    Vic Lyons was a old fella even when I frequented his shop between about 1975 and 1982-83 and he ran the shop with his wife (they were possibly a jewish couple).

    A tall hippy called Ian Tait (a cross between Jerry Sadowich and Phineas from the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers) took over the shop in the mid 80's and he and his colleague continued to build/sell frames bearing the Vic Lyons brand. I don't think they lasted very long, athough they were a laugh.

    The site at 194 Wandsworth Road is still a bike shop but is now called Southbank Cycles.

