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Member since Jul 2012 • Last active Aug 2015
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    OK, thanks again. I'll bear it in mind. The Transcontinental has left me bereft of both funds and brownie points at the moment and so it may be a little while before I get back to you.

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    Socialamnesia, thanks for the offer. The Pomp has black carbon ones at the mo but the frame is that sort of pearly white colour. If the forks are the same then it could work without a paint job. Just seen the price of a single BB7 caliper though!!

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    Inspired by seeing Stephane Mehdi Ouaja finish the Transcontinental on his fixed/free Langster I've decided to dedicate my winter to riding fixed far more often. As a consequence I want to make use of my Pompino but also my lighting/dynamo set up from my own Transcon ride - a Kaffenback. To use the SP PD-8, Archetype front wheel I need a disc mount fork that'll fit the Pompino. I'd like steel, I'd like black, I'd like just the disc mount that'll take my BB7 caliper and not a disc/V combo. I'd consider carbon if need be but unlikely as my budget is next to nowt. I could of course use my Archetype wheel by taking off the rotor and using the Pomp's Condor canti but that'd spoil my rim's pristine brake track! Ideas??

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    No, don't get excited, not a 60s one!

    I just picked up one of those short-lived early eighties ones. Planning to do little more with it than dress it up for a winter commuter for the time being. Single chainset, 6 speed 14-28, mudguards etc.

    Couple of questions...

    Paint is shot in places. Don't want to fork out for a respray unless it grows on me eventually. Is it possible to T-cut back most of the bad stuff, smooth out any rust show-throughs and then coat with laquer as a kind of 'stop it getting worse' tactic?

    Secondly. Is it 531? Kilgariff catalogue shots don't say. Forks have 531 stickers but frame does not. Frame does however have a square patch of less oxidised paint at the top of the seat tube which matches the dimensions of the 531 decal on my 1981 Majestique. Also, why would anyone build a gas pipe frame and then stick 531 forks on it? Sleuthing and common sense suggest frame must be 531 but what does anyone else think? Would make a vast difference in terms of potential respray.

    Pics on www.flickr.com/photos/sjromaine


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    Absolutely fascinating! Bravo Mr Jingle Jangle, I will avidly follow your progress. I am also over 40 and therefore have too much time on my hands. PhilPub: forget the bloody piano. I tried for the third time a couple of years back. Bought a Yamaha stage piano on a whim. Bloody thing's still sat here in my office. Might just stick a couple of old Weinmann wheels on it and see how it rides.

    Long live this fabulous frame-building frolic :)

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    36x18: I've nicked your Raleigh bars idea - already ordered. I came from a triathlon background recently and am loving how damn cheap this retro game is. £14 for bars. I have paid £250 before! For levers I've found Dia Compe 135 which seems the right kind of shape but I suspect you used Shimano of some kind. I was hoping to stay 'all alloy' or shiny rather than painted black etc.

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    That'll be the pale green one with the gorgeous basket? That is one of the most beautiful rebuilds I've seen. True to the bike yet distinctly different at the same time. Well judged.
    This Majestique is destined to remain as original as possible. The only non-original parts at the moment are those hideous bars, shifters and levers. I have a set of Suntour stem mount levers on the way (early 80s).
    Not sure what to do for brake levers though as I've not rebuilt anything that didn't have drops before! Luckily all the original bits are in really good nick. Cyclone II f/r mechs have lost most of their black decals though, but I've seen that happen before. They'll look just fine polish back to alloy and a lot more enigmatic.
    Thanks for the tip on the bars, I'll have a did around.

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    I just used the very same n+1 rule to get a Majestique delivered yesterday. Fleabay £90 and in lovely, original condition. Only nasty is the front end. It's had drops removed, like many (most) have. That's not an issue as it's what I need. It's what they've used! Hideous MTB flat bars, black Shimano MTB brake levers and really ugly thumbshifters. I'm not familiar with town type bars - what might be suitable? What should I look for? Any ideas?
