Avatar for Lord_Thea


Member since May 2012 • Last active Jul 2012
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  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    Ahh Brill!! just to clarify thats for wednesdays?

  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    Hey guys & lezzers,

    If possible could you let me know soon if you're happy about renting your court to us on a wednesday night (£100 per month). We are hoping to start the course in a couple of weeks and would like to send out details to all the new starters.



  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    yep!! that's the one, the rod itself seems intact, however the catch for it has come off,.

  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    I had a look in the back of the toilet (thankfully it was clean) the part parallel to the handle on the inside of the cistern in the image below has disconnected from the piston and is preventing it from flushing correctly. There wasn't any obvious place to reconnect it to, so maybe a part has already been removed?

  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    Hey Ladies (& Harvey)

    I am writing this on behalf of the skating girls. Basically here's the situation:

    • We have a beginners course due to start in august.
    • It runs for 16 weeks
    • We have had ~60 applications

    Currently we think we can manage only about 20 people on the course, and we don't want to turn people away as the next start will be January.


    We can offer you £100 a month if you would be able to allow us to use your polo court on Thursday evenings.
    If Thursday isn't an option then could we perhaps have the court for Wednesdays and Mondays (still £100 a month).

    Please could you let me know your thoughts on this once you've thought it over amongst you, it really means a lot to us to be able to have the extra space as we will be able to have an intake of 40 beginners, which would really improve our chances of being able to field an A team and a B team (14 skaters each).



  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    My account is new (today) and so I can't recieve PM's for 24 hours apparently... It's ok, I can wait until thursday.

  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for Lord_Thea

    Who has the keys for the dungeon? I was hoping to have a little practice on wednesday, I have warehouse keys to get in, but my bike is locked away.
