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Member since Apr 2012 • Last active Apr 2012
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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for byronic

    Thanks for your quick reply! Yes, Nitto's stuff is really nice and classy.

    I have now approached Atomic22, and they are helping me figure out a solution for my bike. They seem really dedicated and they have a very pleasant manner; they seriously take time to answer queries, and explained a number of issues with great patience. It's refreshing to deal with people like that: sometimes bike technicians can be really snotty (particularly if you're a woman).

    Thanks again for your advice - your experience has been a significant factor in my decision to go for this security system. They should employ you as an ambassador ;-)

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for byronic

    I got to this post after doing some research into Atomic22. I'm replacing my seatpost and Brooks saddle which were nicked recently, and it looks like this might be the solution to secure the new ones I get.
    Can I ask you what kind of seatpost you have on the bike?
