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Member since Mar 2012 • Last active Jun 2019
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    Near Waterloo today. A corduroy-sporting cyclist pedalled furiously out of a side road in front of me without looking and rode diagonally across two lanes of traffic with similar gay abandon.

    Oblivious to screeching brakes and honking horns, he proceeded flat out through a red light, diagonally across the junction and up the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic.

    I almost admired the utter lack of fucks he gave.

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    I’m not a meteorologist either.

    (I felt left out.)

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    “they couldn't seem to keep a chef for any period of time”

    They were all bellends.

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    “Bellenden Road”

    Can we just take a moment to celebrate this glorious street name?

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    “retina burning trillion proton scatter ray lights”

    ... on the front, which come on automatically whereas for some insane reason the rear lights do not, so everyone thinks they have their lights on but are actually Invisible Ninjas from Behind.*

    *Which, coincidentally, is one of my favourite fruity films.

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    While passenger in a car, I videoed a driver bumping his car onto the pavement, crossing a line of children walking to school and driving along a raised cycle lane to avoid traffic. I reported it to the polis, along with a note saying I had the footage. So far I’ve had an acknowledgment that they’ve received my report, but no follow up and no request for the footage.

    The report was made about three months ago. Something tells me they’re not in a rush to do anything about it.

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    Did my first commute in London for ages today (moved out of town a few years ago).

    More nodders than I ever remember, which I suppose is a good thing on the whole if a little annoying.

    Also noticed that, whilst the trend on fixeh skiddrs used to be for ludicrously narrow bars, now it seems more towards the super-wide, mid-rise MTB style bar. Anyone able to shed light on why that’s changed?

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    Wheeling my bike out of my house, I noticed a 4x4 approaching at speed. My street is extremely narrow and in a 20mph zone. Instinctively I put out my hand and touched the window as he passed. I don’t know why.

    He stopped and enquired with some force as to what my game was. I explained that, in a residential street not much wider than wing mirror width, at school time, in the rain, I thought 40mph was a little excessive.

    His measured response that he was accelerating to pass me so he didn’t have to stop and that anyway I should fuck off and mind my own business made me laugh. This did not please him.

    He informed me that if I touched his car again he would feel obliged to fuck me up. I responded that if he returned to my street at high speed he would certainly feel the wrath of my fingers again. This also was not met favourably.

    I had unlocked a car to get something out of it, so Detective Dickwad inferred that this was my car. He asked me if it was my car. I replied that it was my car.

    He politely informed me that he would be back later to trash my car.

    He did not come back.

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    fapping hard chode

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    Much swindled. So trust.

    Yeah, true. Not intentional though - a new pannier would actually have been a hundred quid, which I asked him for and he bartered me back.
