Avatar for Kosher


Member since Mar 2012 • Last active Mar 2012
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  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for Kosher

    Hey there, I'm the friend that aserota was dibbing for - cna you answer a few questions for me please?

    1 - the size of the bike is 19" - I am 5 foot 10. Do you think this will be an ok fit size wise? I am getting confused with the different sizes as I have been looking at different types of bikes - any advice would be appreciated!

    2 - how much does the bike weigh in total?

    3 - I am going to be using the bike on the road mostly, with some off road use at weekends - the main use of the bike will be to commute to work and back. I have tried using a road bike but just can't get used to it, but I know that mountain bikes can be quite energy consuming on the road. Is it possible to change the tyres on the bike to make it easier to ride on the road, or would I need to get new wheels?

    Thanks, Rob

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for Kosher

    Very Interested! What size is it?
