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Member since Feb 2012 • Last active Aug 2014
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    Hi to all those helping with thread esp Velecchio. Audrey Wysom passed away on 24th July 2014. We were due to you able to take memories of Calleva
    Road. We have a Buckshee Wheelers badge for her and an Ealing Cycling club gold broach.

    any further Calleva Road info would be appreciated along with an of her in nvolvemrnt with Ealing....., a new name to us.

    the Wysoms

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    I'm Lesley Wysom (Carrot) and we were wondering if amongst the information/pictures of your father, Albert Derbyshire you may have some of Ron Wysom (his picture is on the Calleva thread) please.

    LGFSS Members helped so much in finding these three pictures for us and some written info at Brooklands. Do 'lodge' your all you have with them to help future researchers. Many thanks

    Lesley & Carolyn

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    Hi again Clubman

    Ron Wysom's wife Audrey is here and just seen the pic. She can confirm that the 6th from the left is Albert Derbyshire and she saw him presented with his Best All Rounder Award at the Albert Hall. Also confirmed is that it is Ron Wysom Snr standing next to the woman to the far right of the picture.


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    Hounslow & Calleva Clubs

    Hi Clubman. Just seen an entry from you for 10th Dec 2008 re Old photo & proposal. Opened up the photo in which you mention an Albert Derbyshire and ..... to the very right of the picture standing next to the woman on the right is Ron Wysom Senior the very man we have been searching for and who's photos we found, through your suggestion at Brooklands Motor Museum.

    Ron did live in Hounslow and cycled for them as well we've now found out. Wonderful.

    Clubman you've had a pic of Ron all this time without knowing it. Now somehow, how do download it. It is so big.

    Anymore tucked away anywhere.

    Thanks Lesley & Carolyn (Turnip)

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    Hi Clubman. Just seen an entry from you for 10th Dec 2008 re Old photo & proposal. Opened up the photo in which you mention an Albert Derbyshire and ..... to the very right of the picture standing next to the woman on the right is Ron Wysom Senior the very man we have been searching for and who's photos we found, through your suggestion at Brooklands Motor Museum.

    Ron did live in Hounslow and cycled for them as well we've now found out. Wonderful.

    Clubman you've had a pic of Ron all this time without knowing it. Now somehow, how do download it. It is so big.

    Anymore tucked away anywhere.

    Thanks Lesley & Carolyn (Turnip)

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    Clubman, you're wonderful, pat yourself on the back!

    The Calleva Club archives at the Brooklands Museum certainly gave us what we wanted. (We had an appointment to search today). Three photographs, one of Ron, Senior, with his bike, one on his bike and a portrait photo. Added to which there was a hand written letter from him booking dinner tickets, a typed letter from his wife, details of his position in races. Superb and Carolyn was able to take photographs of the photos and documents.

    His wife Audrey was truly amazed at our findings and we told her that you and other forum members had assisted us. For the first time in 45 years I've seen my father in law and Carolyn her paternal grandfather.

    The 'power of the web' certainly worked for us with your help. Carolyn has hopefully been successful in posting photos on the forum though she is not sure if they are in the right place.

    There were four boxes of 'volumes' numbered 1 - 7 and nos 5 and 6 helped us.

    Our day was made even more enjoyable by the fact that we went on Press Day and there were several Classic cars being allowed to drive around the Brooklands Track whcih we sat outside watching consuming coffees. All in all a wonderful day.

    So cheers to you all and many, many thanks especially to whoever had the aforethought to archive the Calleva Road details and get them lodged at Brooklands.

    Thank You (two words that really aren't sufficient),
    Best regards and enjoy your cycling

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    Yes we think you are all great and given us so much help. We have an appointment at Brooklands...here's hoping a photo will surface. Thanks from Carrot (Lesley) but I'll be swede, parsnip any root veggie if you like. So grateful to you all.
