Member since Feb 2012 • Last active Feb 2012- 0 conversations
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Don't know if any of you guys can take advantage of this but Pac is ebaying a black ultimate bag starting at $129.99CAN which is dirt cheap, although there ia currently 1 bidder. I got mine this way(mind you I'm Canadian in Canada) for $215(the min. bid) with no competing bids. Again, I apologize if theres no way for any of you to get it but just thought I'd give you the heads up because that is a deal. Funny thing is I don't live in London nor ride a fixie but was a courier here and think this is one of the better forums out there. My ride is an old '92 Rocky Mountain Team Comp w/ Tange Ultimate Ultralight tubing rigid with narrow slicks but ,to me, any bike is great as long as you ride, its all good!
If I lived across the pond, I'd likely go for a Bagaboo. They have many of the features that my Pac bag has but for much cheaper, plus they give you lots of option to customize for very reasonable prices. they use all quality brand name materials and include many things others would charge for. I like the external back pad more than Pac's internal one-less likely to slide about and more effective. They look sweet too. I have heard some rare complaints-from messengers mind you- about durability but then I've heard complaints regarding durability about nearly every bag, including Pac, because couriers are hell on bags.