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Member since Feb 2012 • Last active Feb 2012
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    With a large mafia organisation controlling all crime?

    Sounds good to me.

    Yeh, there is that :(

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    People in Japan sometimes don't lock their bikes, or use very light, easily breakable locks.

    The difference being that in Japan a symbol of ownership is usually enough to deter thieves, but in the UK you must physically stop people being able to take your bike away.

    Regarding Japan, my friend once left an expensive camera by a fountain my mistake. His Japanese girlfriend said don't worry it will be there tomorrow. And sure enough it was! No one had touched it. Amazing! Would be nice if things were like that here.

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    You need to read the whole article, because some of what she says is sane. BUT the title is inflamatory and for someone just glancing at the article, it could polarise their view that we should never be one roads

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    I think the whole article is online, but you have to subscribe to get full access. This header was all I could copy, the article is by Eleanor Mills

    Keep cyclists safe – ban us from main roads

    Eleanor Mills

    Every time you get on a bicycle and whizz off down a road you dice with death. For 10 years I blocked this inconvenient truth out of my mind as I cycled the seven or so miles to work. I was a bit of an evangelist for biking: it ticked the working mother box of performing two functions

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    I'm new to this forum, but anyone seen the Sunday Times?

    They ran another article on cycling and how to make the infrastructure safer. But it was titled:

    Keep cyclists safe - ban us from main roads

    Exactly what we dont need. Inflamatory titles that could polarise the views of motorists. In addition the stupid bint talks about A-roads at the end, and how scary it is to be passed at 60 mph, fostering wrong ideas that we shouldn't be on the roads. Its the motorists that are at fault, if they overtake you closely at 60 mph. Yet a campaign like this could see growing opinion to ban us from countryside rides.

    When are the Times going to talk about the attitudes and awareness of drivers? I initially welcomed the campaign, but their message seems muddled and this thing could go the wrong way...

    Perspective... cyclists aren't walked all over. Do you really want compulsion around things like number plates, high viz & helmets, as a direct result of emotive reporting of perceived dangers?

    Is that what you want, cos that's what'll (maybe) happen... [/paulwhitehouse]
