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Sounds like your spindle is IOS and you've installed a JIS crank which pushes the chainring 4.5mm closer to the frame.
If you followed the correct communications with the ebay claims process than this should never have happened. When the buyer opened the case against you, you would have been given a chance to reply. If you had done so and explained your situation then ebay would have waited for you to come up with a resolution between the 2 of you without intervening. For ebay to grant the buyer a refund there must have been a break down in communication. I'm assuming you didn't reply or replied too late?
As the ad says. Looking for an old crusty 26x1 3/8 bicycle wheel.
Would prefer a rod brake type but not too fussed.
Must be flip flop hub NOT sturmey archer 3 speed.
The rustier the better but needs to be straight and solid. Going on a patina vintage build.
Thanks guys