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Member since Dec 2011 • Last active Dec 2011
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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for wwwbikevintagecom

    there's one thing
    Imagine Hilary Stone blocks his website for users from UK. Bollocks? Cunt?
    Actually that's what bike-vintage is doing, his website cannot be accessed from Poland (you would have to use proxy). When I asked why I was told it's none of my business.
    Of course he can run his business anyway he wants but he's ditching his own country in the name of profit.

    the store was available for Poland customer by more than a year and by this time.. no one from Poland buy on my shop so i decided to closed shop for polish buyer for the good of the company

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    They only accept credit card, bank transfer and Western Union. Not Paypal. Something to think about.

    Yes I do not accept paypal because I do not trust this institution, when I sell via ebay paypal blocked my money (about 4,000 USD) for 6 months with no reason and no explanation.. additionally paypal and ebay cost me about 20%
    now I use moneybookers (europen version of paypal more safty for user because moneybookers is Authorised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for the issuing of electronic money )
    so you can pay by credit card via "https" gateway

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for wwwbikevintagecom

    there's 1 particular frame I am very interested in on his website. Don't want to say which incase someone else buys it, but it doesn't seem overpriced at all.

    If you think that price is too high, I'm open to suggestions

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for wwwbikevintagecom

    But then we get raped for import duties.

    I am an owner of bike-vintage and want to tell you that I pay tax in Poland so if you are from EU then you do not have to pay any fees, also I can ship as a gift and under value
