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Member since Nov 2011 • Last active Sep 2013
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    (e.g., one thing that we need to improve is the knowledge that parents need to transmit to their children).

    I've been there. My wife knows the theory of cycle safety and helmets. And yet when my daughter's helmet became too small, I was coerced into buying a new one.

    But we don't want to buy a helmet, we want to buy safety. So if the shops would offer cycle training nicely packaged (purple please for my daughter) on the same shelf, we would buy that instead. And we would get a product that works.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Yes you can. If you want to keep all your playlists, settings etc. I would recomment carefully following these instructions:
    It's worth it as it might save you lots of time later.
