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Member since Nov 2011 • Last active Nov 2011
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    the chains fit's ok in the sprocket , but it fits better in the chainring.. it seems to have higher diameter concavities.

    they are not new I guess, I bought the bike second hand, the chainring has some wear off, but still smooth, the sprocket seems to have less wear, but that's where the louder noise comes from.

    How can I know the pitch of the sprocket? I doesn't have any labels on in..

    It makes noise all the time, a bit more when pedaling hard. Also, it makes more noise if the chain tighter..


    PS: Not receiving mail notifications this despite having subscribed the topic and having instant emails on the option... why?

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    I just noticed the rear sprocket (where most of the noise is coming from) is thicker than the chainring.. could this be a problem?

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    my chain is making some noise, I think coming from the back.. could the chainline alignment be the solution?
    photos: https://www.dropbox.com/gallery/4700116/1/chainline?h=c99679

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