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Member since Nov 2011 • Last active Jul 2020
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    what no one seems to be mentioning officially either is that when HS2 construction works start the Zoo car park is going to be an HGV compound with numerous roads having utility works, bridges removed (Mornington Street Bridge), roads closed (Park Village East), and numerous construction routes with HGVs carrying spoil out of London, even if they do manage to take some out by rail

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    big piece in the Camden New Journal,


    has certainly got people talking, but some folk near to me in Camden who naturally don't fall into either camp seem to get excited when nearly hit by cyclists on the pavement so some are not helping the cause, just saying not judging in this instance, I know there's a thread for that sort of thing somewhere.

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    given the rigidity comments above, if you really wanted a full sized bike and wheels where frame had to split for transport would you not use S&S couplings type thing http://www.bobjacksoncycles.co.uk/ss.php without the rigidity issue (I appreciate there may be a price difference) ?

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    heading north out of Euston could cover Camden Cutting, making line into a tunnel, reduce noise etc and put a super cycleway type thing on top with green space, link up with Regents Park and beyond

    ps am biased as live in Camden and all against HS2

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    If liability is uncontested then makes sense to deal direct since if sensible they would rather pay you than pay you the same plus an ambulance chaser, if they are sensible. However if they look to be difficult then would make it clear to them that you will be appointing someone. I got hit from behind while sitting in a stationary car, very quickly got a letter stating they accepted liability although there was a bit of argument on costs but they soon caved in when said if didn't settle I'd be referring to my insurance and solicitors. This is on proviso that you are happy writing "Without prejudice save as to costs" type letters".

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    despite possible provocation, a punch in the face is assault (I believe), and should not be treated lightly, if the photo evidence can be retrieved then should it not be followed up?, what happens next time he's in a rage, definitely a complaint re police, assaults should be followed up in my opinion

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    this is awful, but being practical on the phone front, may be covered under house insurance or as my mrs pointed out by your bank (if Nat West as in Mrs case) where there was a policy attached to account and she destroyed hers by spilling coca cola in her handbag

    failing that I know someone in industry and may be able to get a spare, it won't be latest technology but what features do you need ?

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    Are you sure you left the UK?

    you obviously didn't go, UK positively track like in comparison

    while some of the negative comments are not unfair I met loads of people who didn't fit the stereotype and infact were amazingly generous as only people who have little can be. There is a lot to see and do although 3 years is quite a stint !

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    When I was in Moscow for 3 months in 1994 we were advised not to drive by my work let alone cycle, the standard of driving was poor and a complete lack of respect for other road users, cars mounting pavements to get past traffic jams was common with peds expected to get out of the way. If we did drive we were also advised not to stop for RTAs as these were frequently staged as a prelude to mugging. I went back in 2007 staying with a friend and was advised little had changed.

    I would think very carefully whether cycling would be a good idea............

    I should mention I spent 4 years living in Eastern Europe and Moscow was bad in comparison to pretty much everywhere else I went. Most of my time was spent in Poland where I had a road bike and MTB. The road bike pretty much stayed on the tacx trainer given the poor roads, while cycling in Warszawa was not such a good idea but out in the more rural areas was great fun.

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    obviously gift better but can also do via a loan as long as the parents have a second mortgage ie rank behind the bank so then bank know they get first cut
