Bright red Claud Butlertrack bike with fixed wheel and brand new Continental tubular tyres (tubs) Campagnolo large flange hubs, Fiamme rims,** Stronglight** cotterless chainset, Brooks Professional leather saddle with copper/brass studs,** Weinmann** front brake, Stronglight headset, proper track ends, amazing condition for it's age circa 1960's. £499.00 ono
Paul Blake 01189 666655. 07860433411.
Bright red Claud Butler track bike with fixed wheel and brand new Continental tubular tyres (tubs) Campagnolo large flange hubs, Fiamme rims,** Stronglight** cotterless chainset,
Brooks Professional leather saddle with copper/brass studs,** Weinmann** front brake, Stronglight headset, proper track ends, amazing condition for it's age circa 1960's. £499.00 ono
Paul Blake 01189 666655. 07860433411.