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Member since Oct 2011 • Last active Nov 2011
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  • in Manchester
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    Ok thanks for informing me. Here's the serial numbers:

  • in Manchester
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    As I have mentioned in the say hello post I have recently parted from my bike. Most recent pic is below. I bought it new as a Globe Roll 1 2010 in May '10:

    The bars I added after I bought it, theyre profile airwings
    I have since this pic added:
    a non-machined B52 on the rear with a gatorskin harshell ultra tyre
    black charge bucket seat

    Mostly black, apart from the grey front tyre (still going strong from when I first bought it!) and the chrome stem.

    I suspected my bike has now gone to the great velodrome in the sky, but I've been checking ebay etc for anything coming up.

    One thing I did find is this frame:
    The pictures attached make me think it could be mine, but im unsure of the size of it (mine is a medium). The seller is quite small, and apparently it has been resprayed recently. The recent listing makes me suspicious, and finally (although a minute detail) the picture of the drop outs... well the imprints left by where there's pressure from the wheel seem to be exactly like mine.

    Perhaps Im being paronoid and clutching at straws, but I figured it's more likely to be stripped and sold in bits than as a (recognisable) whole.

    The frame might be a completely different to the globe one, Im not an expert so sue me.

    Im totally gutted obviously but it serves me right for being drunk and taking my bike out... and I also see this as an excuse to buy a new bike. It is an investment after all.

    Any help at all would be appreciated and received with thanks :)

  • in Manchester
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    Indeed! Im thankful for my health more than anything... and the £30 in my wallet. Takes the phrase "never again" to new heights!

  • in Manchester
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    (Was not drunk when above photo taken...)

  • in Manchester
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    Here's a more recent pic, without the B-52 though:

  • in Manchester
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    Postitnow sowns a cool story.

    Ok so I will obviously make a separate post when I can.

    There's no easy way to explain this. I went out on Thursday night, I was very drunk. From what I can ascertain from my online phone thing, I left Joshua Brooks at around 2 or 2.30 (when I made a call). I locked up my bike outside the lass o'gowrie and Im pretty sure I took it with me.

    The only thing I know for certain after that is that I arrived at my apartments whilst still dark, without my keys or bike (I got a black cab home). Next thing I know is I wake up outside my flat door inside, without my keys or phone, but with my wallet including £30 cash. This was at 8.20 Friday morning.

    Best case scenario, I decided I was too drunk/hurt to ride home (when I woke up I couldnt stand properly due to a bruised hip), locked my bike somewhere along the way and got a taxi home, where I left my keys and phone.

    Worst case is that I was passed out somewhere and my stuff got pinched off my person. I vaguely remember sitting somewhere, possibly on one of the steps of the statues in picc gardens, very drunk, with my bike across my lap.

    Points to add to the confusion is that I called someone at 2.40, and then after that at 5.30ish 4 times to my flatmate.

    I went spoke to people at joshua brooks and the like and no clues, and my bike isnt along where it would most likely be, so unless I locked it in a very obscure place it's been robbed.

    Details about the bike: pic of it originally is above.
    I have added a black charge spoon saddle,
    B52 rear wheel rim with a gatorskin ultra hardshell tyre.
    Front tyre and rim is original.
    Handlebars are black, matte shortened bullhorns attached to chrome stem. No brakes.
    Attached to original pedals are Restrap straps.
    The frame itself is slightly dinted and chipped, especially on the top tube.

    Before anyone says, going out drunk on your bike and then "losing" it is the worst type of lesson not to do it again.
    I just hope the fucker stole my keys and uses the mini-d with it outside tesco one day and I will be ready with my spare key and a "I will take my bike back thank you" not ready to stick in its place.

    Grim story, I'm so stupid.

  • in Manchester
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    Hi I'm Ed, I live in town, born and bred manc (does Stockport count as manc? I'm not sure...). I've been riding fixed since May '10 now on a Globe Roll 1 which I gradually made my own, that is until I misplaced it on Friday night. More on this when I can post my own thread. I've been stalking this forum for a while its only now I've registered.

    (Bike before I got my extra bits)
