Avatar for bomberslost


Member since Oct 2011 • Last active Oct 2011
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for bomberslost

    Someone mentioned about spraying carbon earlier in this thred, i heard that normal spray paint reacts with the epoxy in the carbon and the carbon will start to delaminate is this just an old wifes tail to get you to have it done professionaly, im not to bad at spaying and was keen to have a go at my carbon frame but was put of by what i had heard. Maybe a special type of paint is used? anyone any ideas.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for bomberslost

    Had an old 531 steel frame stripped and powder coated, the only problem with this was it showed up all the inperfections in the frame that the builders filled and covered over before painting. The powder coat will only stick to bare metal so you cant fill any small dents , unless you fill them with braising. As already stated if your frame is not too bad just rub it down a little and spay on top of this as the old paint acts as a good undercoat.
    If you strip your frame down to bare metal you have to give it a coat of primer then an under coat then your top coat and then a lacker, probably three coats of each to get a good finish.

  • in General
    Avatar for bomberslost

    I Brought a bike on the cycle to work sceme and got stung by the VAT, my work has know canceled the sceme. This year i brought a bike which was last years model at 30% off and had the option of to pay over 2 years. Worked out much cheaper and without the stess of the inland revenue changing the rules again to suit them selves. Plus the spec on the bikes from last year are better as the companies are increasing the prices and reducing the specs.
