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Member since Sep 2011 • Last active Feb 2012
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  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for jimbo1964

    I've always been a bit ambivalent on the helmet front. Talking to all the trauma specialists here they are all very pro helmet. I had mine on and my head is fine. I'll always wear one in future.

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for jimbo1964

    Hi it's me. I'd also like to clear up one thing. I can't say too much as the police investigation is active. However, I was absolutely cycling correctly and and in the correct road position. I'm younger than the report suggested (probably not looking my best I admit). What happened to me was completely beyond my control and it makes me furious that in cases like this the assumption is that the cyclist is in some way at fault. I've lived in London all my life. I've commuted by bike for the last twelve years and ive also held a clean driving licence for 25 years. I know what I'm doing on the road. More so than some professional drivers. I also don't take risks. Thanks to brilliant surgeons, modern medicine and a lot of luck I should make a good recovery. It could have been so much worse. My wife still has a husband and my four year old boy still has a father. Once again, thanks everyone for all your kind comments. And to the members of the public who kept me going until the ambulance arrived I could never thank you enough. All my love. Jim
