Member since Jun 2011 • Last active Apr 2012Most recent activity
2x numark tt100 direct drive turntables with needles and cartridges, all cables included, slipmats included, dust covers included, and ive got the boxes somewhere for them too
numark dm1001x mixer
over 40 plus vinyls brilliant for learning , couple of doubles in there too to perfect beatmatching
bad stuff. on the mixer channel 1 needs a bit of WD40 on the faders, i might get round to doing it, it doesnt make much difference just cant push it to the top of the fader, moves to about 9.8 out of 10
ill also give you a demonstration on how to set it all up if you need it and how to start mixing, pictures up soon£150
what of, i need to take them and ill get them up tommorw?