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Member since Jun 2011 • Last active Jan 2018
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    It should be important. As he created this thread, he had an idea/theme in mind. Whoever choose to post in this thread, should respect his inputs, his efforts in this thread. If he dislikes crit bikes in this thread, instead of having so much negative conversation here, why don't you just start a new thread about crit bikes, where you can express your passion for crit bikes? In this case, both threads can be a lot more constructive, and a lot more fun for the members here.

    crit bikes, njs bikes really have no place in this thread, as they lack both the individuality and the personal touch.

    At first, I never quite get the whole idea about HHSB, I always wondered why almost my entire stable have been posted in this thread. But hey, if people like my bikes, I am cool with that. And if people hate my bikes, I really don't care, after all, it's what ever makes me happy matters.

    We need more productive posts in both this thread and the bikeporn thread. Recently, both of this treads have just been so painful to read..

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Just one question, did you even bother to check who started this thread?

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for nzkiddo

    Thanks for the warning, got it.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    Can you email me in regards on how I can purchase it from New Zealand? Thanks

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    Hi, is it still available? Thanks

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    ah? how did you know? Yes and no, not bring it back to New Zealand with me on this trip, need to wait till the next trip. So it's still stored somewhere safely in Taiwan. Got other projects ahead of this one at the moment.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for nzkiddo

    You owe the original owner of that Laser an apology.
    Most of the Lasers were on custom order basis, there were various fork designs.

    Somehow, all the custom orders made by customers from Taiwan, no matter road or track, came with that ugly as f@#k fork.

    I am not going to defend this guy and his other bikes, as I don't know him well enough (he's the second owner). But I do know the original owner of this Cinelli Laser, therefore I must say something.

    This bike was made to order for him when he personally flew to Milan, it was one of his life time dreams. Anyways, why don't you go ask you Italian friends to find out if the following letter is legit or not.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for nzkiddo

    Thanks. Yeah, because it's titanium, so the light effect is different to alloy and steel.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    my bikes have been posted by you guys in this thread (just a few times).. let me see if I can get this right by myself..

    My first build for 2016.
