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- quality from my iphone, i did have a 1/8 chain however the one in the pic is a halflink
feel free to photoshop with pictures of the "crankies" etc :)
The chain is brand new , the freewheel doesn't have many miles on it , also put a brand new dx freewheel on it same thing
The only thing that has changed since it started is this back wheel replacement , when the stock wheel was on , no issues
The acor hub has for me been the start of the issues , however I would have thought it should have been fine .
bb has been out , chainrings are fine, and my tensioning is fine with a tugnut on the rear.
it is a acor flip/flop hub..... tbh im not happy with the build of it.... im just not sure if the build would effect the way the chainlines
the issue is def at the hub, i can see wear against the teeth
Hi , turns out the freewheel was oval so the chain was going up and down , new one & Izumi chain has solved the prob . Thanks for advice