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Member since May 2011 • Last active Jun 2011
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  • in Cycle Touring and Bikepacking
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    If it's steel / aluminium, it should be relatively safe. Knock together (or buy) some spacers for the dropouts. Use pipe insulation and zip ties.

    +1 on the dropout spacers, pipe insulation and zip ties. I would even add some cardboard around the crankset (for safety), and some bubble wrap around the shifters and derailleurs (to protect from scratches/damage).

    Brought my steel tourer from USA to UK like this, no problems.

    Apparently they like it if it can roll - this is the advice I got at the time...supposedly they're less likely to throw it around like a box.

  • in General
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    Or perhaps being shot at with what appears to be a gun (not a lot of time in the situation to determine whether or not it's real) would cause a great deal of cyclists to panic and fall off, while cycling at speed, causing serious injury. I'd say being shot at or having missiles thrown at you when cycling along is pretty serious.


  • in Components and clothing
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    Dibs on the campy rear mech if it is still available and is 10-speed. PM sent.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    Is this still available? I'm very interested in the fork...
