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Member since Apr 2011 • Last active Apr 2012
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    Hissing works a treat.

    Years ago I was hissed at on a street in Copenhagen for walking across while everyone else waited. I pretended not to notice, but I never forgot the experience.

    Should we have a FB page: Hiss At Red?

  • in Rides & Races
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    A jarring note in a wonderfully good-humoured day. At Trafalgar Square a black-cab driver, shouting abuse, slowly and deliberately drove into me and two other marshals who were blocking the road, temporarily trapping one marshal against me and the other marshal's bike under his offside bumper. I still find it hard to believe I saw a professional driver doing this. Happily we were able to disentangle ourselves and reform behind his vehicle without releasing a surge of traffic. At least one rider recorded the collision on his phone. If you witnessed this incident, please contact me: sjt@5jt.com.

    Always attentive to the law myself, until now I had discounted stories of attacks on cyclists by black-cab drivers. If we have adequate evidence in this case, I shall be pressing charges.
