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Hi all,
Okay, cards on the table. I have a Colnago road bike which I use sometimes if I feel like going out for a spin and taking on the mentalists who drive around the town in turbocharged Subarus. Normally I am a ( wait for it) mountain biker, downhills in the Pennines are much safer.But...I still like spinning, especially on empty moron free roads...
I almost decided to sell it,then thought, maybe not, because its a lovely thing. I read a few posts on this forum and began to think I was very ignorant about the whole road bike ethos...Trouble is I know diddly squat about its history, provenance, is it a nice one or will the purists scoff? Is it a cheaper model not really worth hanging on to? Or a really nice one which will always be something to cherish? So here is a pic, info welcome, where does it stand on the ladder of desirability? Is it worth much? And dont be rude, I am a complete newbie, and yes the saddle is naff.....thoughts?
I'll get on to it when I return on Monday, cheers.