Has anyone done the ride back to london afterwards? Quite fancy it
Interested in there and back too. Not sure I'd make it but that's what trains and credit cards are for.
Any sort of un-official group ride for the return?
I'm in the market for some bike themed wallpaper for a house (not a computer).
Internet is not producing the goods.
Anyone seen any or have any recommendations about where i might pick some up?
day time riding = not using them too much at the moment. cos its eh, daytime.
Come proper winter when its mainly dark on my commute, its going to be even worse
Anyone else find Knog Frog lights battery life is shite?
seem to change the battery on front or rear every 3-4 weeks, and that's mainly day time riding. Once the clocks go im gonna need Duracell sponsorship to stay on the road.
same 'official' route each year then?
or is there more a, find your own way vibe going on?