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Really like it. We have the tow bar for popping a 4 bike rack on the back, and there's loads of room inside for kids/dog/gear etc. It's nice to drive, comfortable, good visibility and more than ample power. The onboard computer stuff is okay, has built-in nav or you can use android auto etc. At home we have an Ohme charger and Intelligent Octopus Go and it all seems to communicate nicely and set appropriate charging times for lowest tariffs.
Most probably yes. It will depend on the current use of the land (i.e. if it's agricultural currently then you will need permission for change of use), the specifics of the court (i.e. will it have lighting? will it have high fences?) and if the location is in the green belt.
There's a guide that might be handy at
Maybe it should be the categories that change; as the main reason split sports exist is due to the physical advantage conferred by testosterone rather than anything inherent in identity as a man or woman. Make them "Open" and "NoT" or whatever and then it's fine for a man or woman to compete in whichever is appropriate and with a reasonably level playing field.
Run run as fast as you can, we'll still nick you, Farage riot man.