Avatar for Berlinbikemechanic


Member since Feb 2011 • Last active Feb 2011
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    Avatar for Berlinbikemechanic

    Lots of good advice here. That photo looks very wrong. The BB is obviously for a double and the frame was prob not designer to fit a big track ring. Even with a longer BB the chainring will still be snug up against the chainstay. If the chainline is not right with your current setup then putting the chainring on the inside of the spider and fitting a longer BB will not improve the situation, it will actually make the chainline a couple of mms worse. I think the frame is out of whack. From the info you've given on the hub I'm guessing it's probably not the dish.

    How did the bike ride before you began work on it? Did it run straight? If your speaking about adding spacers to the hub setup then it means you have plenty of room to move the rear dropout closer together.
