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Don't know if anyone saw my older post, but might pop along tomorrow to give it a go for an experience piece i'm writing for a uni journalism assignment if that's cool? (don't worry, it won't be a patronising feature about the 'scene' like some others i've seen).
This is behind the George Orwell right?
Being a newb, I obviously don't have a mallet though, so will I still be able to give it a bash?
Anyway, I'll be the guy on the terrible mountain bike looking rather awkward.
why bike polo and what's your angle?
Might wanna make your article a little bit more interesting by getting on the bike and give it a hack
As I said, I'm a journalism student, and my assignment brief is to get to an experience feature - ie try something out and describe it from the inside, as supposed to as an issue/background feature.
It would be more about the experience itself than the 'scene' as a whole. I'll check out the news thread for pointers on what to avoid.
Sweet, looking forward to it. See you at 2.