Avatar for yukicks


Member since Jan 2011 • Last active Oct 2011
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  • in Bike Polo
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    good luck Joni. Thanks for your help and support. I really enjoyed the Peckham biginners.

  • in Bike Polo
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    1. CowHen
    2. Roolbg (will also try and bring baked goods)
    3. Arunas
    4. Yukicks (Hi Wicksie, could you bring the mallet for me - thanks)
  • in Bike Polo
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    I want to come too, but I don't have a mallet yet.

    1. Wicksie (7.30pm / 8pm)
    2. konijn
    3. roolbg
    4. Khornight2
    5. CowHen
    6. John H (+spare mallet)
    7. Arunas
    8. cyclotron3k
    9. yukicks
  • in Bike Polo
    Avatar for yukicks

    Tuesday 05 April:

    1. Wicksie
    2. konijn
    3. CowHen
    4. Flip
    5. Rascale
    6. Arunas
  • in Bike Polo
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    Hi,I want to com tonight, haven't got a mallet.

  • in Bike Polo
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    I want to try again today, I'll come.

  • in Bike Polo
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    thanks,i've just fixed the chain...i think. hope it's not going to fall apart. see you later.

  • in Bike Polo
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    My bike is a bit dodgy but I'd like to come. I'm a quite beginner and have no mallet.

  • in Bike Polo
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    Is it looking like Peckham beginners not happening tonight? I can make it in 2weeks time if anyone else is up for it.

  • in Bike Polo
    Avatar for yukicks

    I want to come if it's happening. (but I'm a total beginner and have no mallet)
