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Member since Jan 2011 • Last active Mar 2016
  • 6 conversations

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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Not the messiah but a very naughty boy. A fortuitous ebay journey let me to fall for a Brian. Big love to Brixton Cycles for helping me get this up and running. Thing be rapid.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    haha bloody hell, wrong thread, sorry....

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for blue_fleet

    Not the messiah but a very naughty boy. A fortuitous ebay journey let me to fall for a Brian. Big love to Brixton Cycles for helping me get this up and running. Thing be rapid.

  • in Announcements, Help & Testing
    Avatar for blue_fleet

    Having to sign in when I have nothing to say sounds a bit pointless. And logging in does'nt make it seemless either. As I just logged in I've just done a few visits to regularly visited threads and though it did'nt take me to the first page, it took me pages that I'd since read well past whilst browsing without being logged in, so thats not really been a solution either. So for members it seems you are best off browsing while being logged in or not at all, which seems a bit meh.

    I may be old school but I don't like being kept signed into things for long periods, why should I be? Is there a reason other than to show us as visiting traffic?

    I'd say a large numbers of threads like 'in the news', 'football' and many others would be pointless going to page 1, in fact most threads with lots of pages. Any new visitors to the site can get the context as it relates to here and now, not context 7-8 years ago when Man Utd were good and Scoble ran 12 inches of spacers on every bike. If they want to go
    further to see how deep the rabbit warren really goes (yes the matrix was on the tellybox again yesterday) they can click to the 1st page and trawl away. Even if we had the 1st page/last page option to go to on the list of threads,like we did on the old forum, that would improve the user experience, no?

    I think I'm just an old bastard who shuns a lot of the new features, I don't really need or want to have notifications of replies to anything I've said, if I want to go back I can. I don't have a desire to be followed or to follow. Even seeing the old 'trending' button gave me have a bit of a funny turn. The new quotes thing its lots easier though so hurrah for that.

    And yes I along with lots of others do browse from various devices from various locations so I can't see the cookie thing working consistently either.

    Anyway sorry that sounds like me whining away, you're obviously very busy trying tweaking it all, just my 2p worth. Congratulations on the work done so far, and on the wedding news.

  • in General
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    open all day and a jar of pickled moles to boot...

    I knew my chips were missing a certain something that neither pickled eggs nor onions were providing.

  • in Announcements, Help & Testing
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    When browsing the forum without logging in is there a way to change the settings so that when you click on a thread/conversation/whatever they're
    called these days, it goes to the last page of a thread and not the 1st...every single time?

    I mostly browse without logging in and use the 'today' button (how does this differ from the conversations button on the right hand side by the way?)
    and having to click from 1st page to last page, and back then back again
    back to the main topic list, is like, errr, really harshing my buzz man, and making me wander away from the forum much quicker than I would in the olden days

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I especially liked this bit from wiki "it featured a button-operated mechanism allowing the driver to open the passenger-side door" Haha, in your face Merc S-class, trust the Italians to come up with a letchy kerb crawlers feature #rascist

    I was amazed at how good the bodywork was on it considering other Fiats from the era. My Dad had a couple of 124 Special T's back in the day, and they basically dissolved in the rain.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Saw a mint condition Fiat 130 coupe in Camberwell earlier. Never heard of one before, very cool looking motor.
