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Member since Jan 2011 • Last active Oct 2013
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    Good point Lynchman - I've ruffled my hair and removed the v-neck tank top - let's be bad!

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    Being a keen cyclist for many years watching this talk on TED even managed to change my attitude towards cars on the roads - simply: the roads are for the people not for cars; cars cause so much death,destruction and pollution requiring so much control to protect other road users damn right they should pay tax!


    But hey, what about a new fresh movement to promote a safer street for everyone. And what if this movement was just simply a logo - anyone seeing the logo starting to appear would eventually find thier way to a site promoting safer streets.

    And how about car tax renewals showing the number of people killed by cars, the amount of money spent on traffic calming and control, the amount of money spent on tackling pollution etc - might be hard to disagree with vehicle tax, or at least the need for it over other forms of transport.

    Failing that the last guy that got out of his van to shout at me eventually got told to fuck off and get back in his van - it worked well although I'm not sure it really promoted our cause very well.

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    That is looking very good Bjorn - nice to see the original paint job still intact!

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    After romancing with the idea of building up a custom racer I have alas decided to look for something more complete. The BSA Golden Fifty was a low end bike and while rebuilding it might be fun i have it on reasonable advice it's not worth spending too much time and money on it. Hopefully it will make a good project for someone rather than staying buried in my workshop.

    As such I offer it here for sale with all the parts as can be seen in the photo (that's the photo in pieces on my bench) for £50 great british pounds. Collection from Winchester area or will arrange delivery anywhere UK mainland for £10 - would ask you give me few days to package etc


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    Thanks for the input all - been drooling on the classic lightweights website ;-)

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    Thanks Hilly Ben - that link is one of the few BSA links to be found on the net. Guess that says a lot really.

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    Not that I can see. It has an SR crank, Campag rear mech and Thurel? Gears. I suspect whoever sprayed it up tried giving it a face lift of sorts at the same time.

  • in Current Projects
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    Some time ago I picked up a BSA Golden Fifty racer. Sadly it had been sprayed orange probably about 20 years ago and is a testament to the how useless a can of car spray paint can be. I was thinking of rebuilding it and spending some time and effort on creating a nice custom ride but now I'm not so sure.

    My question is. Is this frame really worth the effort and if not what makes should I be looking for. I really like frames with fancy lugs etc but appreciate these older frames are typically quite heavy.

    An put up some photos if of interest...

