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You really think Putler is still alive? I haven't seen the original shaky legs one in the news in ages. Not even the doubles have been paraded around despite the fact that he just won the elections. The geezer is dead or comatose and we must find the puppet master to slice off the head of the snake.
I have difficulty understanding how you could potentially interview somebody who was killed. You need an independent autopsy to define the horrors they experienced. I don't trust neither party as disinformation is spread by both. Unfortunately UN is useless. The only thing I know is that if my area was attacked I would be taking my children to somewhere safe from an active war zone. If it requires walking then so be it.
I recently got some really cheap bearings and I had never understood how horrible they can be. I wish I had understood 30 years earlier that the bearings matter. I'm running Bronsons and some ceramic ones now. They make the world of difference. It is just so much easier to pickup speed in the park and transition tricks become easier when you can actually pump up to them and don't have to get the speed just right on the approach.
What on earth? When you have ex-president and duma members telling neighboring countries should be nuked the citizens of those countries are the ones poisoned by disinformation? It has nothing to do with far-right. Only one delusional are the leftist that seem to think you can hug Putler and he will quit his conquests.
I write the Cicli Chinarello blog and ride everything from DH to track.