Member since Dec 2010 • Last active Oct 2011Most recent activity
I was going to suggest for parts but I see the link above also goes there. They are probably the best.
Reynolds will also supply direct.
Without a proper jig and some other really expensive bits you'll strugle to build a decent frame. If you're interested in doing a course. Martyn of Cylces offer a 5 day course as does Dave Yates but there are currently no available spots but you can register interest incase someone drops out. Expensive but worth the money for your own custom frame and the skills to start building frames.
I found a reasonable condition Saracen Venturer 2 dumped on my road a few weeks ago. I watched it from the window for awhile to see if the owner had left it unlocked for abit. No one came so I decided to take it home before it got nicked and reported it to the Police but they couldn't be arsed to pick it up. No one has claimed it but I haven't got room for it either. Is there anything else I can do to trace the owner or would it be wrong to sell it?
Agreed you don't need a ''proper jig'' but it's ''proper'' hassle without. Anyone would ''struggle'' to build a decent frame without. Building a home-made jig is possible but a project in itself. You can also buy relatively cheap measuring equipment as Perks suggests but again this makes the job ''proper'' ''admin'' as I like to call it. Still we are pretty much all here for the love of it so nothing wrong with giving it a go.