Hi All,
Another long shot but I've got to try somewhere. Restoring a vintage Malvern Star and I'd like front and rear hubs. Preferably 32 and 40 spoke flip flop fixed and freewheel. For those not blessed with Auzzie heritage, VEW hubs are short for Velox Engineering Works.
Hi All,
Restoring an old Malvern Star and I'm after these vintage brakes. It's a long shot but I'm desperate!
You'd be posting to an appreciative bloke in Oz. I won't even mention anything about the cricket!!
Have an Early ALAN myself as a Wet Weather bike. The lugs come up a treat with some good aluminium polish and TLC. Haven't found a way to cover a few tube scratches yet. If you find a matching paint colour (mines Blue too) give us a brand and number will you!!
Looking for above in good nick for a "Working" restoration. Looking for anything manufactured round the early 1950's.