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Member since Nov 2010 • Last active Jul 2011
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    I'm sure they're Crank Brothers. I get on well with mine.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    The red evans probably is a track frame but it's tricky to date just from the parts. I believe they have been building since the 50s but you usually only see later ones. I believe they had the frames built by someone else by the 80s, Roberts perhaps. My knowledge is sketchy. The lugs look very Nervex and the forks are skinny. That must make it earlier, probably no later than the early 70s and those skinny forks make me think 60s. The horizontal dropouts are very basic, which might make it earlier still. Take no notice of the paint, it's likely to be newer and there was no difficulty getting hold of the stickers last time I looked.

    Unfortunately, the Evans name is probably almost worthless as a collectors item but you still have a decent frame that must be worth £60 or more to someone. if it's 24 inches, it might just fit me.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for rooper

    I would like the Russ. I have a tandem and recognise some of the lugs. The old shop still exists with the same name but sells it models/toys now. I know it well from my childhood.
