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Member since Nov 2010 • Last active Aug 2016
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  • in Cycle Touring and Bikepacking
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    I use off maps on my ipod, its pretty good. You pay to download the maps but it works global and has information on whats about, food, cash points, shops... locates you pretty well but you cant do routes off lines.

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    Boooo. Go in the Works they've got the AA one going pretty cheap, books, test and L plates in a set.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Drugs: legal to buy illegal to use. Privacy personal choice shall prevail.

  • in General
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    ^^ Except for the lion road bit (auto correct?), that would be me... The orange thing isn't fixed, although I screwed up the gears last week so I've been riding it like it is!

    Oh and unfortunately I've currently got work to go to too, my bag is mostly full of my suit, the polo stuff just lives under my desk.

    no that fail was all mine I'm afraid a quick look at Google maps tells me it was liberty ave... Really a terrible post all in all by me to be honesty orange thing not fixed, wrong road and not only a job but a job that requires a suit!

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    saw a guy going down lion road towards collierswoods this morning with a big ol' ginger beard going to play polo normally see him riding some thing orange and fixed. would of gave him a nod or something but i unfortunatly was jealous that i have a job to go to! hello if your on here.

  • in Rides & Races
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    Nice one ed joined your group on the way back thanks

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Cromoly forks from America? Can't you get em from UK or is it coz the price was cheaper?

    Honestly... I just didn't look that hard, my weakness for shiny things will be the death of me.

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    New forks will not change frame's geometry. Only if you fit them backwards.

    Imagen it like changing out of stilettos in to plimsolls ;) your posture will change. But I was talking about the clearance between the break mount and the tyre.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Had this problem myself brought a new set crome cromoly forks off eBay that should do the job. There threaded to I'm guessing that's what you'll be wanting. Just gotta wait for them to arrive from America! :( hope I don't get taxed this time.

  • in Social
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    Hey regulars, would love to come to one of these but pretty new to the forum so I'll sit this one out. Will be posting up an old raleight road frame that's a bit rusty to be honest. But if no one south of the river wants to take it off my it's only gonna go to the dump. No money it'll be free, but would be nice to see a donation to the forum, as it helped me out when I was skulking in the shadows converting the other road frame I had.
