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Thomson stem on eBay - Fake or Legit?
( No more photos available ) 25.4mm stem.
Many thanks,
Awk -
I wanted to ask if you might help me... I have a Charge plug ( road model 2010 )
The rear Axle nuts ( Track nut ) have become worn. I bought a pair of 10mm nuts ( The rotating washer kind )
But they won't fit - too small. Just a fraction too small.I wrote to Charge - they confirmed that both axles ( rear and front ) were 10mm? ( In fact, they said 10 x 1mm )
I've been to three local bike shops - all have stared very blankly at my request for a replacement or knowledge of them?Where can you buy these babies... and why is it so tricky to locate info on them... do they actually exist, or are they just 10mm by another name?
With many thanks in advance,
Awk -
I thought those, that are in the know... might know, if the bag and leaflet - were in fact poorly made copies or not? Like this...