Most recent activity
er we were led to believe there'd be punch and pie
Fuck yeah, I'm in for punch & pie.
Night ride:
1 . Velocio
2 . Skydancer
3 . Kirth
4 . Cafewanda
5 . ChainBreaker :-)
6 . Tiswas
7 . HatBeard
8 . middleofnowhere
9 . marcom- Jaitch
- lardboy (Got to use me party hat some time)
- ian (conker) [with trampstylee beer)
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- ryanse3
- Yasi
- Tommy Mac
- atticus
- paramounted
- robertt (first forum ride and seriously hoping that I'm not left behind after the first mile)
- Marco
- zazkar
- superjoe
- HatBeard
- Wibble
- pt
- almac68
- Pistaboy
- Louis
- jamestz
- Photo Jim
- party_paul
- OLC seriously hoping i can drop robertt in the first mile ;-)
- thecalmdoc - first forum ride. Can I bring along some friends?
- tomass
- SculpturedHuman
- pootsmanuva
- MotherGirl
- dimi3
- boggle
- tanya g
- perpetual motion (first forum ride as well)
- mortari
5 am start:
- ryanse3
- Jaitch
i have a friend who lives in kreuzberg that might be able to help you find somewhere. let me know if you need any help.
i love it there.Very kind, thankyou. I know a couple of people out there so I'm hoping I can find somewhere quite fast, but I'll certainly be in contact if it all goes wrong!
Can't make it to SE tonight unfortunately. Sumo's coming to Berlin as well.
I'll keep an eye out for Sumo then. Would be lovely to start my life in a new country with a bit of London fixed gear fun!
I'm also umming and ahhing. I think I will come unless it starts to rain!