Avatar for haberdashery


Member since Aug 2010 • Last active Aug 2010
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  • in General
    Avatar for haberdashery

    I am new to this forum. I have been passionate about cycling for 22 years, and also drive occasionally so experience London from from both sides. Like all life people fall into two main catagories. Those who respect the fellow humans around them and the idiots who don't. I often speak to cyclists who talk like everyone on a bike is part of one big community of do-gooders.
    As I was almost mowed down by a guy with no lights jumping a red in the early hours of this morning whilst crossing the road with my 2 year old son I realised once and for all that you have to earn the respect of others as a cyclist. Merely parking your arse on some sweet steel frame and riding off through London is not enough. Too many people I see every day on my commute are just selfish children. Glad to see some good strong opinions on this forum...

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for haberdashery

    Hi there,

    Do you still have:
    (3) Campione del Mundo (66) 44cm 90s Single groove Excellent £20

    If so can I have them?
    I will do an immediate bank transfer to you!

    Many thanks,

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for haberdashery

    Is your stem still up for grabs?

